Doing Grants Differently: Innovative Approaches for For-Purpose Organisations

Doing grants differently (so you can do your greatest good)

When setting up Greatest Good, our founder Jenni, was keen to address the things that frustrated her about the for-purpose sector. This includes grants databases that aren't as user-friendly as they could be.

So, here's our top 5 ways the Greatest Good grants database is different:


1. Problem – you spend hours going down rabbit holes looking for relevant grants, spend time reading one that looks relevant, only to get halfway through the details to discover it isn’t suitable.

The Greatest Good Solution – we classify each grant using 60+ filters to help you find relevant grants in seconds, not hours


2. Problem – you finally find the right grant, only to discover it has closed, sometimes months ago, and it hasn’t been taken off the database to make it look like there’s more grants than there really is.

The Greatest Good Solution – our grants drop off the day after the closing date, so you only see active grants. We don’t keep them there to make it look like there’s more in the database than there is, or waste your time with expired grants



3. Problem – you’ve found a great grant, but it’s co-contribution and you don’t have the funds (which is why you are looking for grants in the first place….)

The Greatest Good Solution – we have co-contribution as a filter, so if you don’t have the funds to co-contribute or match the funding, you don’t see these grants



4. Problem – there’s lots of grants but you can’t find many that are relevant to your organisation

The Greatest Good Solution – we only upload grants relevant to our members. We don’t brag about how many there are or how many we add each week. We just make sure the ones in our database are relevant to organisations with a grants membership


5. Problem - you’re a for-profit organisation and many of the grants are only for not-for-profit organisations.

The Greatest Good Solution – there’s lots of legal (and tax) reasons why grants are mainly offered to NFPs, but we have 9 different filters for organisation type, so if you are a for-profit purpose-driven organisation, you can find the ones that are relevant to you quickly.

These are just some of the ways we help you do your greatest good. If you'd like access to the grants directory, check out our memebrship options for the memberships that contain access to the grants database.

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