As Kermit the Frog once said - "It's not easy being green".

But he didn't have access to the Greatest Good ecosystem where you can take small steps and sustainable choices to act consciously.

Here's a few ways:
- swap your takeaway cup for a reuseable cup
- make your own bread and store it in a bread bag
- use a beeswax wrap instead of cling wrap or tin foil
- replace the plastic fruit and vegie bags with reusable cotton bags
- use reusable make up wipes instead of disposable ones

Here's a few ways:
- swap your takeaway cup for a reuseable cup
- make your own bread and store it in a bread bag
- use a beeswax wrap instead of cling wrap or tin foil
- replace the plastic fruit and vegie bags with reusable cotton bags
- use reusable make up wipes instead of disposable ones

You can find the products to make these simple changes individually or in gift hampers and gift packs on the Greatest Good ecosystem. Not only will you help the environment, you also support social enterprises, charities and other not for profits as well.