Greatest Good can help answer your questions about what is the social enterprise sector in Australia. Mosaik Experiences is a social enterprise on Greatest Good


Organisation Name
Mosaik Experiences

When was the last time you embraced the power of the arts?

We'd like to introduce you to Mosaik Experiences; a social enterprise that exists to address the social isolation and loneliness that many Australians face.

They create “Authentic Cultural Experiences” by using the power of the arts and culture as a vehicle to improve well-being, embrace diversity and inclusion and enhance quality of life.

Mosaik experiences not only aims to positively impact people’s physical, emotional and mental health, but also create work opportunities for migrant professionals and artists.

You can learn more about Mosaik and their engaging workshops & programs via the Greatest Good Platform!

Social Enterprise World Forum 2022

Why Greatest Good is a Social Enterprise