New Victorian Social Services Regulator Announced |How to prepare for change

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New Victorian social services regulator

A new social services regulatory scheme commenced on 1 July 2024. The new Victorian Social Services Regulator has issued guidance and educatiion materials on the new Social Services Standards.

The Social Services Regulator is an independent statutory authority established under the Social Services Regulation Act 2021 (Vic) (SSR Act).

The Act establishes a new framework for social services regulation in Victoria. It begins on 1 July 2024.

The initiatives in the SSR Act will:

  • support the safe delivery of social services
  • ensure social service providers understand their role in protecting the rights of social service users
  • define roles and responsibilities of social service providers
  • give the new regulator monitoring and enforcement powers, so it can respond to risks of harm
  • improve information sharing between regulators so they can identify and respond to any risks of harm to service users.

The new system will mean Victorian social service providers will have:

  • streamlined registration and reporting requirements
  • a common set of social service standards
  • a single independent regulator.

The Social Services Regulator will replace the current Human Services Regulator.

Disclaimer: This does not purport to be comprehensive or to render legal advice. You should not act based on any information contained in this publication without first obtaining specific professional advice. Consult your legal advisor to determine if this applies to you.

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