
Closing date
31 Dec 2024


Collaborate Type
Offer assistance
Australian Government IP Australia
Collaboration Summary/Title
Free trade mark checks
Collaborate Delivery
Collaborate Location
Metropolitan, Regional, ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
Closing date
31 Dec 2024

Imagine coming up with a unique brand name or logo, only to see another business using it.

It’s important to protect yourself by registering the brand name or logo as a trade mark (TM) early in your business journey.

Use the free TM Checker tool to:
• check if a word, phrase or logo is already trade marked
• get tips on what makes a good trade mark
• learn how you can register your own trade mark.

It only takes a few minutes to do the initial check.

Do your free trade mark check

Bin Trim Networks Program

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