Pay Equality Toolkit for SMEs: Achieve Fair Pay Practices

Closing date
31 Dec 2025


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Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human RightsCommission
Collaboration Summary/Title
The Pay Equality Toolkit for Victorian SMEs offers practical resources to ensure fair pay and compliance with legal obligations. Use it to achieve equality in your workplace with actionable steps tailored for small businesses.
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Metropolitan, Regional, ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
Closing date
31 Dec 2025

Pay Equality Toolkit for small and medium enterprises

Equal pay for work of equal or comparable value is a basic human right. Regardless of where we work – or our sex, gender, race, age, abilities or care-giving status – we are all entitled to be paid and treated fairly at work.

This is why the Victorian Equal Opprtunity and Human Rights Commission have released their Pay Equality Toolkit. 

What is the Pay equality toolkit?

The Pay equality toolkit is a suite of resources to support Victorian small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) to achieve equal pay. While small business can be defined in a variety of ways, the Pay equality toolkit is designed for organisations (including not-for-profit organisations) with between 2 and 50 workers.

Developed in consultation with the Equal Workplaces Advisory Council, industry experts and a variety of small businesses throughout Victoria, the toolkit delivers recommendations from the 2020 report Equal pay matters. This research into equal pay within SMEs revealed that small businesses have a big opportunity to help close the gender pay gap with practical resources that meet their particular needs.

The toolkit is designed to assist SMEs to build an equal pay mindset with specific tools to address equal pay practices across all stages of the employment life cycle. It is our hope that these tools are revisited regularly to bring equal pay practices into business as usual for all SMEs.

How will the toolkit help your business?

All employers, including SMEs, are required by Victorian and national law not to discriminate against employees and job applicants, which includes paying workers equally for work of equal or comparable value.

Under Victoria’s Equal Opportunity Act 2010, employers have a positive duty to take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate discrimination as far as possible. This means that employers need to take some proactive steps to prevent and address pay inequality.

Victoria’s Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities also requires government and other public authorities to consider and act compatibly with human rights including the right to equality.

For other organisations, consideration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) due diligence is an important part of investment decisions, corporate finance and business strategies. The ‘S’ in ESG covers a multitude of factors including human rights. There is growing evidence that there is real value for a company that embeds human rights considerations into its core business practices – and significant costs when human rights are ignored. Australian businesses are increasingly recognising that respecting human rights is not only the right thing to do, but it’s also good for business.

There is an increasing adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The Business and Human Rights Resource Centre provides advice and tools for organisations seeking to implement the principles as well as human rights due diligence and impact assessments.

The Pay equality toolkit helps SMEs to take practical steps towards meeting these legal obligations. It provides advice and templates for preventative measures such as:

  • conducting equal pay audits as a regular business practice
  • building transparency around pay decisions at all stages of employment
  • providing training and guidance for all staff who make decisions about employees’ pay
  • reviewing pay frameworks and policies regularly, to ensure their continued integrity and to reduce the risk of discrimination.
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