Enrol in Cyber Security Course for Small Businesses | Cyber Wardens Program

31 Dec 2024
Closing date
31 Dec 2024


Event Name
Cyber security course for small business
Company Name
Cyber Wardens
31 Dec 2024
online learning at your own pace
Event/Courses Delivery
Event/Courses Price
Closing date
31 Dec 2024

Enrol in the cyber security course for small businesses

The Cyber Wardens program is a short course funded by the Australian government to protect small businesses from daily online threats.

  • Designed for small business
  • Enrol in 2 minutes
  • Free online training
  • Simple and practical wins

About the Cyber Wardens course

The Cyber Wardens program is a simple education tool designed to make your small business cyber-safe. Educating your team about cyber threats will help to protect your small business against cyber threats and recover from a cyber attack.

Why become a Cyber Warden?

  • Anyone can become a Cyber Warden - you don't have to be an IT whiz or tech-savy
  • Learn simple and effective steps you can take to make your business safer
  • Get the resources you need to get started.
More info

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